Grumpy Sunshine sweet romance A Journey to Love introduces you to Grey Merrick and Emory James. One woman cost Grey his freedom. He keeps his distance, though Emory James brings excitement to Crystal Creek, his heart remains closed.
Emroy loves the small town of Crystal Creek. Did she go overboard buying a rundown mansion? A minor problem that her writer mind will figure out.
Return to Crystal Creek
Get ready to greet Rose, Pastor Trey his wife Hannah, Jimmy Lee from the diner and the third Merrick brother, Grey. He’s the mistake his father tried to sweep under the table. When Grey’s mother dies, Rose opens her heart and home to the troublesome child. He turned into a handful trying to win a woman’s love.
Out of prison for attempted murder, Grey’s back and trying to stay on the right track. He doesn’t trust his heart when big city refugee Emory waltzes into his life.
Grumpy Sunshine Sweet Romance
“Help,” came the painful plea. Her body angled to the floor.
The cat dove beneath a sofa.
Grey went cold. He jumped from the truck. Adrenaline pumping through him, he dashed up the front steps and through the open front door. He raced to Emory’s crumpled form and dropped to his knees. Her eyes dazed, she gasped for air.
“Are you all right?” He hovered over her. He hadn’t expected her to be awake. He thought the fall would knock her unconscious.
Cupid peeked timidly from beneath the sofa, her blue eyes shifting from Emory to Grey.
“Hi,” Emory said in bright surprise.
“Hello, yourself.” His mouth curved with amusement and relief. She seemed to be hungry for company—the way he felt when he walked out of prison. He leaned back on his haunches. “How are you feeling?”
“All right.” She took a breath, then gasped with pain.
“Maybe not so all right.” He held back the alarm that was creeping in. “Where does it hurt?”
“All over.” She groaned. A frown flickered over her pale brow.
“Little wonder, considering you fell off a ladder,” he said softly. “Does anything feel broken?”
“Definitely my pride.” She drew in a breath. She propped herself on one elbow. “I don’t think I broke bones. I’m sure I’d be screaming in pain if I had.”
“Take it easy.” He studied her. “You don’t want to get up too soon.”
Can Grey Risk his Heart?
She waited a moment, then looked up at him, her full mouth spreading into a generous smile. “I’ll be fine.”
“Do you want some help?” He stretched out his hand.
Her lips parting, she lifted her gaze to his. Slowly, she rested her hand in his palm. The smooth, soft texture of her skin made him take in air. How long since he’d touched a woman or was even aware of one? He was aware of Emory—in so many ways.
He helped her sit up, his fingers brushing over the rapid pulse in her wrist. His nerves stretched tight, he slid his hand from hers. She glanced at him and stilled. He wouldn’t explain his need to keep this distance between them. It was safer for him—more so for her.
Cupid crawled from beneath the sofa. Her yowling soulful, she sniffed Emory. She turned a circle, then sniffed her mistress again.
“Did I have you worried, poor thing?” Emory traced a gentle path along the cat’s back, then drew her into her arms with a slight wince.
“I’d say you didn’t break anything.” Grey stood, then extended his hand to her. Aware of her skin’s silkiness, he geared himself for another battle. “But I can drive you to the emergency department. It’s probably a good idea to get checked.”
“I think I’m fine.” She took his hand. The desire he’d stuffed into a black hole thirteen years ago broke free and surged to the surface. He hadn’t touched a woman since he’d walked through the iron gates and stood in the courtyard covered with wire mesh and barbed coils. The hopelessness he’d felt at that moment battled the yearning that fought for release.
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