Laura Haley-McNeil

4/25/21, Sweet Spring Romance

Spring for romance

With summer still a few weeks away, celebrate spring with sweet spring romance. The books in this collection will captivate your for hours.

Winter’s Hoary Head

In my part of the world, winter pops its hoary head into the middle of our spring celebration, so what better way to spend a snowy afternoon than curled up with a sweet romance? Powerfully built heroes and feisty heroines await you on the pages of these sweet romances, so crack open these books.

Sweet Spring Romance

Spring welcomes sweet love with open arms as heroes and heroines fight the attraction and try to remember what brought them into the presence of this person who lives in their memories morning, noon and night. The internal and external battles begin as our heroes and heroines learn the difference between what they want and how love fits into their lives.

Laura Haley-McNeil

I’ve included a book from each of my series, so click the link that will take to the Laura Haley-McNeil website and see what delightful reads await your reading enjoyment.

Blooming Spring

How have you been? Well, I hope, and I hope that you enjoy beautiful weather in your part of the world.

Be well and safe, my friends, and may God keep you engraved in the palm of his hand.

