Laura Haley-McNeil

7/14/19, Summer Reading

Grab ebook bargains here

Hello, Everyone!

I hope you’re having an amazing summer which includes summer reading. Can you believe how quickly summer slips by? It passes so quickly and maybe it’s because I live in a cooler climate. It’s bitter cold until the middle of June, then it’s blistering hot. By the time we hit the 4th of July, the stores are posting back to school sales. Back-to-school sales spell the death knell for the end of summer. And school starts so much earlier. How can anyone expect children to pay attention during these beautiful summer days?

Summer Reading

But we still have a few more weeks of summer, and what better way to spend it than reading. Have you downloaded lots of books to your e-reader? I sure have. And once again I’ve downloaded more than I have time to read. Maybe someday when I retire I’ll have time to read these books.

New Authors

I’ve read some great books so far. I’ve discovered new authors like Victorine Lieske, Anne-Marie Meyer, and Michelle Pennington. They write contemporary novels, regency, and young adult. It’s a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon ensconced in romance.

Reliable Authors

I also like to read romantic suspense and thrillers. Rachel Abbott has been a great go to when I want to be scared out of my mind. Her Tom Douglas series keeps me coming back for more. Her style is a little different in that the reader sometimes knows more than the LEO. I’m sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for Tom and his faithful partner, Becky, to piece together the crime and thwart the criminal. If you were ever a Columbo fan, you’d love Rachel Abbott novels.

Dependable Authors

Another reliable author is Jayne Ann Krentz. I just read The Girl Who Knew Too Much, another novel guaranteed to propel you through a few hours of angst. This is written under her historical pen name, Amanda Quick. It takes place in 1930s Hollywood and is just as snappy as some of those old Hollywood films. His Girl Friday comes to mind.

What are you reading?

What are you reading this summer? Have you discovered new authors or are you finding great reads by your reliable favorites? Whatever you’re reading, please share. I’m always on the lookout for another amazing read.

Summer Reading Surprise

Here’s a little something to make your e-reader smile. A group of authors has discounted their books for a Christmas in July sale. Click the link below to find some amazing deals.

Christmas in July Book Sale

I hope you have a wonderful week, and that it’s filled with God’s richest blessings!

