Laura Haley-McNeil

10/18/20, Brides!

Brides, brides, brides!

Brides! With brides comes the vision of a beautiful woman wearing a gorgeous gown, the smile on her face filled with love for the man she’ll spend the rest of her life with. With sweet romance comes the promise of happily-ever-after.

Why read sweet romance?

For centuries, the romance genre stayed within the bounds of matrimony and behind closed doors, but when women exercised their independence, they  wanted to read the romances that portrayed the life they were living. They made strides in their careers and love lives. The heroines reflected their lives. As women pushed the envelope, so did romance authors and new romance genres reflected these women’s lives. Romance sales rocketed. Readers liked liberated women in and out of the bedroom.


These edgier romances appealed to a wide audience, but what about the audience who preferred the proper, closed doors romances? These romances have many names: clean, sweet, wholesome, Christian, inspirational. Though they feature strong heroines and sexual tension, physical interactions remain restrained or off the page.

I’m one of those

When I read the edgier romances, I found myself flipping through the physical romps and focusing on the relationship. I met many readers who did also, or gave up reading romance. Clean romances were in demand, and what I wrote fit that need.

If you’re looking for sweet romance, you’ve come to the right place. Click here and see what these talented authors have to offer. Curl up with cocoa and escape to happily-ever-after.

Please be safe and well. I appreciate you all and keep you in my prayers.

