Hello, Everyone! Happy 3-day weekend! This weekend is a favorite for me because it means I don’t have to go to the office for 3 whole days! I know that sounds silly, but work around the house piles up all week long and when I have an extra day to catch up on gardening and …
8/27/17, Hanging onto Summer
Hello, Everyone! This summer had so many wonderful moments with my niece graduating from college and my nephew marrying a beautiful young woman whom we all love. They honeymooned in Thailand, which I think is so exciting. Then the ultimate summer moment for my husband and me was when we took an actual vacation and …
Get your free copy of Guarding Her Heart #MFRWBookHooks
Guarding Her Heart, Book 1 of the Crystal Creek Series is a free download at Book Funnel. Read the book that brought the Whitlochs and Crystal Creek to life. Below is the complete Chapter One of this book. Who is following Victoria? And why is Garrett, who walked out of her life ten years ago, …
8/20/17, Vacation
Hello, Everyone! We’re plowing through summer. As always, the time slips by too quickly, and before you know it, it’s time to pack the kids off to school and buckle down on fall projects. For me, summer had many projects most of which centered around our lawn. I spent most weekends planting or weeding. Last …
8/13/17, Birthday Month
Hello, Everyone! So much happens in August. School starts again so parents and students are busy rushing around to prepare for school, even those who are on their way to college. That’s even more complicated, especially for those students who will relocate to the college. And hopefully you squeezed in a vacation, even if it …
8/6/17, College Prep
Hello, Everyone! Summer is flying by, but I hope you’re enjoying it! I always dread when I start dating correspondence and checks, which I rarely write anymore because electronic payments are so easy, with an August date. That isn’t fair to August. It’s a wonderful month. In our family, we have 3 birthdays and usually …
7/30/17, Does Romance Matter?
Hello, Everyone! Because I write romance, I’m of the opinion that everyone believes that there is a special person in their life. They may not have met that person yet, but that person is there. I had always thought that God had someone special for me, but once I mentioned this to one of the …
7/23/17, Company Picnics
Hello, Everyone! Summer is moving right along and I hope for you it’s a wonderful season! It can be relaxing and fun. School is out and it’s a great time to spend with the kids doing activities in the backyard or spending an afternoon at the pool. I remember summer being filled with swimming lessons, …
7/16/17, Summers past
Hello, Everyone! How is your summer? I hope it’s fabulous and relaxing. I used to consider the middle of July the middle of summer, but with school starting the 2nd week of August, it now seems like the end of summer, though it’s very hot, not like summer’s end when I was a child and …
7/9/17, Summer!
Hello, Everyone! Now that we’ve passed the midsummer mark of Independence Day, the summer always seems to go by too fast. Do you feel that way, too? I recently emailed a friend and wished her a wonderful summer. She emailed back and said the summer was passing too quickly. Maybe that’s because we live in …