Showing 522 Result(s)
Laura Haley-McNeil

5/14/17, Mother’s Day

Hello, Everyone! Today is Mother’s Day! If you’re a mother, I wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day! I have such fond memories of celebrating Mother’s Day with my own mother. With six children, there was always plenty of activity and celebrating. Even when it wasn’t Mother’s Day, there was plenty happening in our house. …

Book 5 of the Crystal Creek Series
Laura Haley-McNeil

5/7/17, Risking Her Heart

Hello, Everyone! I hope your weekend was wonderful! Here the weather can’t decide if it’s winter or spring. We’ve had several snowfalls, which is good because this climate is normally very dry, but when the temperature vacillates from the eighties one day to the thirties the next, it’s hard to know how to prepare for …

Laura Haley-McNeil

4/30/17, Brrr!

Hello, Everyone! I hope your weekend was wonderful and that you’ll be enjoying lovely spring weather in your part of the world. It’s been cold here. Yesterday, it snowed, which ruined my plans to work in the garden. I still have a lot bed clearing to do, but fortunately, my husband did quite a bit …