Hello, Everyone! The holidays are planned, but what happens when the weather doesn’t cooperate? We’re nearing that final stretch toward Christmas. We’re busy shopping and baking, wrapping presents, and making travel plans. But what happens when the weather interferes? How many travelers who planned to snuggle into a warm bed, enjoy a Christmas brunch and …
11/4/18, Christmas Shopping
Hello, Everyone! Have you started your Christmas shopping yet, or are you like me and wait until the last minute? I’m usually in the mood to shop on Christmas Eve, which is way too late to start. Many of my friends shop all year long. That would never work for me. I’d forget who I …
10/28/18, Real or Fake
Hello, Everyone! The year is whizzing by, and maybe you, as I, are wondering where the time goes. Christmas will be here in the blink of an eye. And with Christmas comes so many decorations, including the tree. And here’s another question—do you buy a real tree or dig the fake one out of the basement? …
10/21/18, ‘Tis the Season
Hello, Everyone! Is it too early to think about Christmas? Some of you have already finished your Christmas shopping so maybe not. If you’re a last minute shopper as I am, here’s a little something to get you in the mood. Even if you don’t plan to Christmas shop, you can still read about the holiday …
1/7/18, Breaking My Heart
Hello, Everyone! The holidays have ended. They seem to go on forever. Many of my family members and friends start Christmas shopping in the summer, but the real push for me is Thanksgiving, even though I’m a procrastinator and don’t shop until the last minute, and then the next several weeks are frantic with Christmas …
12/3/17, Creating the Visual
Hello, Everyone! I hope the start of the holiday season finds you well and doing things and being with people you love. I love this time of year because I see much more of my family. We have December birthdays to celebrate and though it adds to the chaos of the season, getting together is …