Hello, Everyone! I hope it’s warming up nicely in your part of the world. Now that ski season is over, for me at any rate, I’m counting the days until spring. In my garden, I’ve spied a few crocuses poking through the detritus of last fall, their bright yellow petals a cheery site after seeing …
9/3/17, New Computer
Hello, Everyone! Happy 3-day weekend! This weekend is a favorite for me because it means I don’t have to go to the office for 3 whole days! I know that sounds silly, but work around the house piles up all week long and when I have an extra day to catch up on gardening and …
6/25/17, Technology!
Hello, Everyone! Now that the weather is nicer in our part of the world, I’m definitely enjoying summer. I hope you are, too. I often long for the good old days of summer when the days seemed to last forever. I grew up on a cul-de-sac filled with young children. Everyday was a play day …